AS1-Harlan-KilsteinDuring the first Action Seminar, Harlan Kilstein taught how he creates products quickly.

For more information about the Action Seminar, go to

Harlan’s comments:

I’ll pick up on what you just heard from Brian and from Joe and tell you how I create a product.

I create the marketing first. I start with the sales letter, and before I even create the product, I want to know what’s the next product that’s coming afterwards? Where am I going to direct them afterwards? Because, if I start, as Mary Ellen says, at a lower price, I’ve got a list of buyers, they are going to want to buy something else.  Are you ready to do it?

Next, and I hate to say this, that most people are too darn perfectionist in creating their product. Just get the darn thing done. Do not worry about this being your magnum opus and that years into the future people are going to look to it. Get it done. And the way to get it done is by giving yourself a deadline.

I have a coaching group going in marketing. And watching these guys trying to create products is like pulling teeth without anesthesia. So I said, “OK. I am going to show you how it is done. And I’m going to create a product in a week where I have nothing now. I am going to create a product in this niche.”

The first thing, when you are going to create a product, is pick a big niche. I always say, don’t start selling left-handed badminton skills to people living in the state of New Jersey. There isn’t a big enough market. So, I picked something out of the blue. Law of Attraction. It’s huge. Look at the keywords and so forth. Law of Attraction…amazing numbers.

First thing I do, once I’ve decided, I go onto Amazon and I buy everything on the topic for delivery the next day. I want to own everything there is on the topic. That’s the first thing. As soon as I’ve done that I am going to google it. I want to see what all the competitive products are. I print out all the sales pages. Start going through that stuff. What I am looking for is openings in the market. What can I do, what can I offer that isn’t already there? And, remember, the clock is ticking.

Then, copywriter over here outsources everything. Including the copy. OK? I could create the sales letter in an hour or two. I will outsource the copy. I will outsource the product creation. I will outsource everything, because the idea is to get the darn thing done…

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