Copywriting Hotseat: How to Fine Tune a Sales Letter: Marketing

Copywriting Hotseat:  How to Fine-Tune a Sales Letter

Jack is an attorney who is creating a sales letter for a franchise opportunity for doctors.  He is writing the letter on behalf of his client, who is a doctor, and sending it out under his own letterhead.

This letter is strictly for direct mail…it will not be put online.

They start by discussing some general considerations…how to be sure the letter is mailed, how to get the letter past the gatekeeper

The copy is very rough, and John explains what to take into account when rewriting the letter:

  • How to transition from lawyer writing the letter to the doctor who is selling.
  • Best way to start writing a letter
  • How to discover and emphasize the pain point of the reader
  • Isolate the “ammo” and put it toward the top
  • The need to know “hot buttons”…both what will sell and what will turn off the prospect
  • Cut out the fluff.  Get to the point and sell the stuff.

Even though this is a direct mail letter to doctors, the principles apply to all sales letters

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