High-Speed Copywriting Home Page

High-Speed Copywriting Home Page

Welcome to the Fast Lane of Copywriting. You have made a great choice.

On this site is the fastest proven way to create powerful, money-making sales copy.

It works for beginners… it works for veteran copywriters… and it works for business owners who need to write copy but have other things they would rather do.

The best way to use this program is to simply set aside a few hours and start.

Let us suggest that you take the program exactly the way the group you’ll see on the videos did. At our live event everyone simply sat down and held on as we went for a high-speed ride…

…from having absolutely nothing written when they arrived…

… to having a completed sales letter at the end of 2 days.

We’d also like you to study, analyze, ponder, and contemplate the material.

But not now!

Only after you’ve used it once. The first time, go through it and do the exercises as if you were in the live training.

We can give you a long explanation as to why we recommend this… but you’ll see for yourself once you try it.

Start with the Video Lessons. They were recorded live at the seminar and you can follow right along.

To make it easy to follow along, we’ve got the High-Speed Copywriting Worksheets right here. These are the same worksheets that are included in the High-Speed Copywriting Workbook.

The Copy Research Shortcuts lesson is here.

Real-world lessons from four successful copywriters — John Carlton, Lorrie Morgan, “Million Dollar” Mike Morgan, and Craig Eubanks are here. There are links on these pages so you can see the slides used by the copywriters.

When you’ve completed every step and you think your copy is ready to go, please first run it through the final High-Speed Copywriting Cheat Sheet. Use this checklist to make sure your copy has the best possible chance of getting maximum results.


There are several Unadvertised Bonuses which add “the cherry on top” to the program. Watch them when you have the time, but don’t put it off too long. One of the bonuses is a video which discloses a research shortcut I use to make the copy creation process even simpler and faster!

And David Garfinkel’s Copywriting Templates is on this page.

If you have any questions, just go to and open a ticket.

We are confident that you will see this as one of the best investments in your business that you have ever made. Let us know of your success so we can celebrate with you!

Don’t have High-Speed Copywriting yet?

High-Speed Copywriting Is for you if your income depends on copy in any way.

If you are:

  • A beginning copywriter who wants to get up to speed FAST…
  • An intermediate copywriter who wants to jump up a level or two, also FAST…
  • An advanced copywriter looking for an edge…
  • A business owner who wants to write great copy (so you are never again at the mercy of a hired writer to bring you customers)…
  • A marketer who wants better copy from freelancers or your in-house copywriter…
  • Or simply needing to improve your persuasion or sales skills.

Don’t wait!

Learn more about High-Speed Copywriting — and get the free mini training course — here.

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