David Garfinkel is widely known as “The World’s Greatest Copywriting Coach.”
David has coached dozen of top copywriters and business owners into getting stellar results.
One business owner credits $5 million in additional profits to his work with David. Another small business owner created letters, with David's guidance, that added over $1 million to business.
One of David's star copywriting clients writes sales letters that regularly haul in $10 million (and more) apiece. David's own copy has brought well over $100 million.
Including a bit more than $40 million to one business alone. He's served as copy consultant to direct-mail publishing giant Agora Financial. You may have seen him featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Wired, Forbes.com, The Wall Street Journal, or one of many other publications. He’s author of the best-selling Breakthrough Copywriting, and host of the popular Copywriters Podcast.