MRIC Member Call: How to use Facebook Advertising: Marketing

We are excited to bring you an interview we did with MRIC member Kevin McCarty, who manages Facebook ad campaigns and landing pages for his clients.

He works will all businesses, big and small, all over the world, to help them get massive results from their ad budgets.

In this video he takes us behind the scenes in one of his recent campaigns, and discusses the most important things you should consider when placing ads.

In this video, you will learn:

  • The difference between Campaign, Ad Set and Ad levels,
  • How to set the best goal for your ads,
  • How to use a series of ads to move people down your funnel,
  • How to get Facebook to optimize your targeting…and why that may be the best option,
  • The one purpose for your Facebook ad,
  • How to use your ad copy to qualify your traffic,
  • How to use Facebook to build your list…without violating their TOS,
  • The buzz about video ads…do they really work?
  • What images you should use in your ads,.
  • And much more…

We are talking paid advertising here, and ignorance can put a big dent in your budget.

If you do any paid Facebook Advertising (or plan to), this is must-know information.  Even if you hire this out, ignorance definitely is not bliss…

This lesson... along with a vast library of small business marketing lessons and training programs... a private Facebook-like chat stream where you can get answers to all of your questions about marketing tools and techniques, small business growth, and life as an entrepreneur...

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Stan Dahl & The Marketing Rebel Team

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