AS1-James-SchramkoAt the first Action Seminar, online marketer James Schramko tells how to find your prospects and determine what they want to buy. Tools and techniques he uses in his business. Insights.

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James’ comments:

Step 1: Find Prospects: You have to find prospects and I will give you a few tips on how to find prospects for those of you who still aren’t sure how to find them.

See what they are buying and then sell it to them.

OK. So it is so much easier to do it this way. I am going to share a few ways you can find your prospects.

First: I use Google alerts. It is free, so it is really well-priced. You can actually have Google tell you when there is something going on in your marketplace. If you were a special copywriter for golfing products you would go to Google alerts and type in some of the golfing brands, some of the golfing forums, some of the golfing products that are out there. It will email you whenever you want, daily, or as it comes, what is going on in the marketplace. And then you can set up a filter in your inbox to send it to a special file (I call it a spy file but I guess it is like a swipe file). It automatically sends you information, every day. It saves you having to do the research. They’re doing it for you. Google is pretty popular, it sweeps a fair bit of the internet, and Google will send you an email.

Another way is to ask customers who you already have. This is the best possible way. Most of you have filled out a survey monkey form. Again, there is a free or a paid version. If you do the paid version it is good. You can rebrand it with your own thing and can control where it goes when it is finished. And, using the law of reciprocity I have found that it is a good idea to survey someone, then you can take them to an offer, and they are quite conducive to your message because they have just invested some time and energy with you.

So, you might want to plug this into your current sales funnel. Maybe after an opt-in they could take a survey and then maybe do an upsell.

Alexa. So if you are not already using it is a great resource where you can plug in just about any website or busy website. If you were a golfing writer you could plug in a golfing site and it tells you all of the keywords that site is getting traffic for, tells you all the websites people are going to before that website and after that website. Wouldn’t that be handy to know? So, you have a real database there and it tells you the demographics. Demographics are vital when you are trying to are trying to craft your market/message match.

Google insights for search will tell you trending topics and whether anything is on the way up or way down. So insights for search. And you can geo-target that as well — to a particular country, you can specify specific timeframes. I also like it because it will tell you what category something is. So I typed in “kitchens” here and it tells me it is a home and garden, it’s a food and drink. So I might have missed some of those potential slices of the market if I wanted to target that zone. If I wanted to write copy for a kitchen company, I would start here and it would tell me a lot of information that I need to know

By the way, if you take screenshots and put them on a proposal to a client, they will think you are really smart, and they will just sign up for your services straight away. Because you have actually researched and you understand their market. It tells you the rising searches and it tells you the top searches, so you can pretend that you actually know what is going on in the marketplace. It will take you a whole 10 minutes to learn this.

Magazines: The old trick of going to the magazine store, see who is advertising in the magazines, what all the headlines are, what is topical, and if there are more than a few magazines on any market then that is a big enough market for you to be making lots and lots of money on, because someone is spending the money. You can’t print real magazines unless you have deep pockets, because of how accessible the online media is these days.
So you have to use SYSTEMS. SYSTEMs stands for “saves you stress, time, energy and money”. So use a lot of systems, like Mike talked about, otherwise your business will fall over. You have to structure it somehow.

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