Welcome to The Club!

Welcome to The Club!

Welcome !

Thanks for joining the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. (We use MRIC for short.)

There’s a ton of information available here, and that can be a bit overwhelming at first.

My suggestion is you begin by diving into just one or two of the benefits of your membership. If you try to take it all in at once, there’s a good chance you’ll get lost.

We’ll be sending you a series of emails over the next few weeks. Each email highlights a particular aspect of your membership. As you receive those emails, I suggest you carve out a just a few minutes on that day to investigate the highlighted area of this site.

By checking out all of the different ways this site, the Marketing Rebel Team, and your fellow members can help you, you’ll soon find the best way for you to get the information you need to move your business ahead.

Here’s are the 3 steps I suggest you take right away to get started:


Before diving in, please take a moment to review the information about yourself that you’ll be sharing with other members.

You can do that by clicking here -> Update Your Member Profile.

On that Your Member Profile page, Display Name is what other members will see when you post questions or comments.

If you don’t like any of the options created when you signed up, enter what you want other members to call you in Nickname. Click the Update button near the bottom of the page to save your Nickname, then select in from Display Name and click Update again.

Your profile also let’s you share more information about yourself and your business with your fellow members. There’s a good chance some of your fellow MRIC Members are ideal business partners or customers.  Your profile gives those folks a chance to find you.


Now that you’ve set your Display Name and added or updated any of the other information about yourself you’d like to share with your fellow members…

… Please head to The Clubhouse and (a) say “Hello” and (b) let us know your most pressing business challenge or question. What’s the main reason you decided to join the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club?

Letting us know who you are and how we can help you gives you a chance to tap into the hundreds of years of marketing experience you now have at your fingertips.  It’s also how we know what new information and tools to add to this site.


Next, navigate the menus up top and look for 1 or 2 topics that you’d like to learn more about.

If you’re not sure where to start, most members enjoy the Hot Seats and Swipe Files you’ll find under John Carlton’s Corner. That’s where you’ll be able to learn real-world lessons from other businesses and apply those to your own.

I strongly suggest you develop the habit, starting today, of diving into just one or two of lessons you find here and then implementing at least one of the ideas, techniques, or tools you discover.  While it’s tempting to spend hours and hours taking in information and making plans, business success is going to come from putting some if that information to work. Always err on the side of taking action.

I’m confident the MRIC will soon be an indispensable business resource and you’ll be checking in before making any investments in new tools, techniques, or strategies.

Welcome to The Club.

Stan Dahl and the Marketing Rebel Team

Click here to continue to The Clubhouse …


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