Copywriting Hotseat: Before You Even Sit Down to Write: Marketing

Copywriting Hotseat:  Before You Even Sit Down to Write

Margaret is a medical doctor who got into alternative therapies a few years ago and wants to consult with people who want to get a second opinion or who want alternatives

Her letter is to men who may have low testosterone.

She has to figure out who her competition is. There are a lot of large publishers in the medical advice market.

She has to decide where she fits in the market. Develop a personality and carve out a niche (ie men over 50). Then she can let the larger companies educate the market and she can go in and serve small niches.

She has to positon herself as a woman who likes guys and wants to help them. She is upset about big Pharm.

John talks about the value of writing a book as a calling card.

they get into writing style…she has to figure out how graphic she wants to get…”Has your wife accused you of assault with a dead weapon?”

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