Marketing Rebel Coaching and Mentoring Programs

Marketing Rebel Coaching and Mentoring Programs

​Congratulations! You’ve found the home of some of the world’s most successful copywriters, marketing teachers, and coaches. We’re talking folks behind for over a billion dollars in sales in almost every market you can think of.Below are our current coaching & mentoring programs.Join us now to receive direct feedback and guidance from the legendary copywriting masters, including John Carlton and David Deutsch.

Simple Writing System Coaching Program

Want an ongoing relationship with one of the Simple Writing System teachers? Never Again Struggle to Write an Ad… a Sales Video Script… or an Email to Your List!

The Marketing Rebel Mastermind Group

The Marketing Rebel Mastermind Group is the place to meet and discuss your ideas, and gain invaluable insight from our team of high powered copywriting and marketing legends.

David Deutsch’s Inner Circle

This exclusive group gives you direct access to David Deutsch, an A-list copywriter. You can ask him questions, get his advice, brainstorm ideas and submit copy for him to critique and review during live sessions he conducts for all members.

David Deutsch’s Inner Circle

This exclusive group gives you direct access to David Deutsch, an A-list copywriter. You can ask him questions, get his advice, brainstorm ideas and submit copy for him to critique and review during live sessions he conducts for all members.

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