Launch Strategies That Work Like Crazy: Kevin Rogers and Chris Haddad: Marketing

Launch Strategies That Work Like Crazy: Kevin Rogers & Chris Haddad

AS2-Kevin-RogersWhen you’re ready to “launch” your product or service, you can’t do better than to take some tips from these two smokin’ “insider” copywriters.

We’ve worked with both Kevin Rogers and Chris Haddad and can vouch them for without hesitation.

They are notorious for building (from the ground up) every written detail of a well-performed launch… so the whole process is smooth as silk, and successful as possible. If you need to get into launches, or have botched one before, this session will change your life.

We can personally vouch for how massively-awesome the results of a well-handled launch can be. It’s worth your time to be up speed on this strategy as well as Brian Johnson’s “evergreen” model.

This presentation is from the Action Seminar and it, plus a vast library of small business marketing lessons and training programs... a private Facebook-like chat stream where you can get answers to all of your questions about marketing tools and techniques, small business growth, and life as an entrepreneur...

... is only available to members of the Marketing Rebel Insiders Club.

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Stan Dahl & The Marketing Rebel Team


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