Stan Dahl: Creating and Implementing Your Personal Action Plan: Marketing

Stan Dahl: Creating and Implementing Your Personal Action Plan

AS3-Stan_DahlStan Dahl kicked off the 3rd edition of the Action Seminar, speaking about how to set goals and create a plan to achieve them.

He stressed that you must follow processes that are proven to work, evaluate your progress (what is working and what isn’t), adjust as necessary and keep going.

You should fail as cheaply and as fast as possible and adjust.

You also have to break your goals down into a series of steps…a series of destinations.

He also introduced his system of taking notes. He discloses the questions you should ask for every step you want to take.

This will help you take notes more effectively and streamline the process by getting you to weed out the extraneous matter and concentrate on what is important.

This presentation is from the Action Seminar and it, plus a vast library of small business marketing lessons and training programs... a private Facebook-like chat stream where you can get answers to all of your questions about marketing tools and techniques, small business growth, and life as an entrepreneur...

... is only available to premium members of the Marketing Rebel Insiders' Club.  

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Stan Dahl & The Marketing Rebel Team

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