Marketing Dashboard > Marketing Hot Seats 2
Marketing Hot Seats 2
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This is the second set of hot seats.
Andrea Wieland
Her company is E1 fit: An online fitness, nutrition, mental training plans website. The market she wants to discuss here are student athletes who want to play college sports. The website is http://www.e1fit.com/
They have just started marketing the program.
Her first question is who to target? Student, parent, coach. The students are the ones that get the value, but parents are the ones with the money. The coach has a lot of say in whether they would be interested in this program or not.
She wants to go through clubs with an affiliate program. they market through the coaches. Stan explains the difficulties of dealing with clubs as affiliates.
John tells her to simplify her sales process. He has a bodybuilding client that uses direct mail successfully. They talk about how to target a direct mail campaign.
There is one hot seat on this video:
Andrea Wieland:
Chief enthusiasm officer for online fitness nutrition site
She needs to refine her target market: Student athletes, parents of students, coaches
Curently they work through clubs with lists of student-athletes as an affiliate
They are just starting out.
5:11 They have a marketing kit they make available to the clubs for marketing. Right now they are just signing up affiliates.
She thinks the best person to target is the coach.
7:05 Her plan is too complicated, with too many grinding gears.
You should start with the easiest way to sell something.
Her product is delivered digitally. She should find out who has done that succesfully.
He has a client that did it through direct mail and advertising, then moved it online.
11:57 Her target is 14-18 year olds. Do they have credit cards?
She thinks that the parents are the one that is invested in their kids’ success.
Ben Morris: Her best profile is a heavy transactor with children ages 14-18 with an interest in athletics.
She should test both parents and kids to see which converts better.
A member of the audience tells her how they sold a similar product with a much higher price point.
John suggests that they send something to the parents “by mistake’ that was actually targeted to the kids.
21:05 She would have to have someone full time to manage the club affiliates because they really don’t know what to do. Otherwise it won’t work.
27:20 John talks about her USP
- Watch the segments and write down the top 3 tips that apply to yourself and your marketing.
- Rank them in order by how they will affect your revenue (most impact at the top)
- Take the top tip and develop the steps you need to apply it to your own marketing.
- Start with the first step and take action.
- Rinse and repeat with the other steps.
- Go back and watch the videos and repeat the steps with the next suggestions.
There are no resource links for this video.