Ben Morris & Colin Chung: Find the Hottest Prospects on Your Current List


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Ben Morris & Colin Chung: Find the Hottest Prospects on Your Current List

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You know what small entrepreneurs love to do? Steal the secrets used by cocky international corporations… and put that magic to work for the little guy.

Ben Morris & Colin Chung of Kristalytics are our secret weapons here, finally delivering the almost SCARY “cost-slashing, results maximizing” mojo that Fortune 100 companies rely on through fancy “customer targeting” sci-fi level software… at a tiny fraction of the cost the monsters shell out.

Pay attention: You’re about to learn how to identify and reach the BEST customers you’ll ever find, locally and globally… even though, right now, they are HIDDEN from you. This is a peek behind the MegaBuck Corporate world of unfair advantages… and a chance to scoop them at their own game. Even if you’re working from a kitchen table. (HUGE results await…)

Goal: Take info that the Fortune 500 companies use and make it available to small entrepreneurs.

It’s not about your product or service…it’s about the people buying your product or service.

Markets are not as deep and protected as they used to be because the internet has broken down geographical borders.

Now they are more horizontal and open.

You used to be able to buy spots on teh 10 o’clock news and the newspaper

Now advertising is laser-targeted.

You need a marketing plan that doesn’t rely on one channel because that may stop working and you will have no backup

14:05 They have all 175 million US households on file, organized by 2700 criteria.

Inluding: Age, income, occupation, net worth, children,

Shopping preferences (tropicana vs minute maid), car, airline preference.

This lets them target much more focused.

They can cut down direct mail list, PPC geographic targeting, etc.

18:04 Colin gives a case study for work they did for National Sports franchise. They were getting 59 cents for every dollar they spent, with targeting they got $1.59.

20:12 Formula: Sort/Identify/ Find/Target

Look at customer database to find commonalities

Sort: find best customers

Identify common factors

Find them all over the US

Target them for campaigns

23:45 Colin talks about how they increased response by 50% for a top college basketball team. Their targeting was way off.

PPC Luxury snow-skiing resort: Cut PPV exposure by 95%

Got more optins in 5 weeks than they did in 10 months

Instant clustering: Reverse email append. Can go from email to physical address (50%).

27:40 US divided into different cluster types. Colin shows slides explaning the information they have about some (millinnials/baby boomers) and the profile they have built (daily habits)

30:50 Gen X sees internet as a tool. Gen Y uses it as entertainment.

31:24 They did a demo for 2 members of the audience

  1. Open an account with an email provider.
  2. Create a bribe that is attractive to your audience.
  3. Create an opt-in box that features the bribe.
  4. Start sending traffic to the opt-in box.
  5. Test different bribes to see which works the best.




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