John Carlton’s Best Ads: 22 Minutes And 17 Seconds – Markteting

John Carlton’s Best Ads: Ā 22 Minutes And 17 Seconds

This is one of my favorite examples of a “bonding” letter. Ā By that, I mean there are deliberate elements here that help a targeted audienceĀ identifyĀ with the information.

The cover Ā letter (“Please Read This First”) is from Dr. O’Leary’s father– an obviously irascible old man who loves to beat his son at golf. Ā He calls his doctor child a pipsqueak and an SOB… because his youth allows him to continue doing things on the golf course the old man can no longer manage.

UntilĀ now,Ā that is. Ā Because…here is a secret that will help any guy who has gotten older, stiffer, and less strong. Ā Help him get back ALL the old power and control and dominance.

This infamous John Carlton ad... along with many others...

... each accompanied by John's breakdown of the strategies and persuasion techniques that made them so successful...

... are waiting for you right here -> John Carlton's Best Adsā€¦ And The Stories Behind Them.

This is one of the world's greatest swipe files, packed full of money-making examples you will apply to your own ads, emails, social media posts, etc.

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Click Here for all of John Carlton's Best Adsā€¦ And The Stories Behind Them.


Stan Dahl
Chief Marketing Rebel


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