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John Carlton’s Best Ads: Black Hawk Down!: Marketing | Marketing Rebel Club

John Carlton’s Best Ads: Black Hawk Down!: Marketing

John Carlton’s Best Ads: Black Hawk Down!

I read a lot. And I advise you to read a lot, too. As an old English teacher once told me: Read a book a week. And then, in your spare time, read another one.

Non-fiction, and fiction. Newspapers and magazine excerpts don’t count. (One trick I allow myself: At any time, if l realize the book I’m into is a complete dog… I give myself permission to toss it across the room, and start a new book. I ’11 give even the worst-written book about 100 pages before making the call. I love reading, but I refuse to be bored or have my intelligence insulted or my time wasted. This relieves the pressure most people feel to “finish what they started”… because, when you’re stuck with a bad book you aren’t motivated to finish, it will sit on your bed stand for six months, and keep you from moving forward to something you do like.)

This infamous John Carlton ad... along with many others...

... each accompanied by John's breakdown of the strategies and persuasion techniques that made them so successful...

... are waiting for you right here -> John Carlton's Best Ads… And The Stories Behind Them.

This is one of the world's greatest swipe files, packed full of money-making examples you will apply to your own ads, emails, social media posts, etc.

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Click Here for all of John Carlton's Best Ads… And The Stories Behind Them.


Stan Dahl
Chief Marketing Rebel

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