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Brian Johnson’s Autoresponder Secrets | Marketing Rebel Club

AS2-Brian-JohnsonIn an excerpt from the Action Seminar, presenter Brian Johnson explains how to use an autoresponder email sequence to bond with your prospect.

His comments:

So, they register.  After that registration, they go into a sequence which is now what most people in the industry will call a reminder sequence.  That is totally the wrong way to look at this next set of emails.  Yes, they registered.  Now is your chance to get them to understand that they made the right decision.  You are re-confirming that what they are going to learn…you’re bonding with them.

In those emails we will do things like the first or second will be a video or audio from whoever the person is.  The reason is that we don’t want the user to show up to that webinar and be hearing that person or seeing that person for the first time, because that is a longer hurdle for them to break down the barrier to bond with that person.

So, we are trying to bond beforehand.  You want them to see his face, to hear his voice.  Then, when they come to the webinar, they feel like they already know that guy.  They already know Jerry, or Rich, or whoever it is. OK?

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