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John Carlton Marketing Tips: How to Beat the System | Marketing Rebel Club

HSS-MH-Aaron CrockerIn this marketing hotseat, John Carlton and Harlan Kilstein explain how to find out what’s really working if your company doesn’t give you the sales support that they promised.



Their comments:

Harlan: you’re in a system that’s very much like a system I was in, where you are promised X and the company delivers Y. I was in a system like that, and there was this one guy, he was a friend of both John and myself, and he was beating the system.
He was doing so much better than the average person. What I did, was I got a plane, went to his office, and I parked myself there.

I found that the guy was more than open, and I wanted to see how he was doing it. The truth was, he was not following the system. And, from the day I stopped doing what the company told me to do, and started doing what he was doing, I made serious bucks. So the first thing I would do is get on a plane and find out what the successful people, who say they are working the system, are really doing.

John: that is true across the board for any type of business you are in. The copywriters that make it don’t follow the rules. We break a lot of rules… We know the rules but we break them. A lot of that comes from either real-world experience or some mentoring. In one Harlan is talking about is almost forced mentoring. Even if you only have a day or an afternoon, if you know what you’re looking for from this guy, just go. Most guys who are making money, in my experience, are willing to take somebody, even if they are not willing to take you under their wing, they are willing to share some information. They don’t get to talk about with a lot of people, and everybody likes to talk.

Part of being a good salesman is the whole thing of bonding. If you don’t understand bonding, you just have to get hip on those chops. Just read Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends and Influence People. Bond with this guy! Harlan’s graded that…he’s a sneaky little bastard that knows how to get inside… To make it worth the guys while. A lot of this is ego stuff. You go to somebody and say “I know you are the best in the biz. You’re just amazing. I’m going to be in town. If we could just have lunch and I could bleed your brain a little bit I’d be very grateful. Or maybe you’ll do something for him. You can certainly pick up lunch. If you want to stay in this business, that’s a multimillion dollar conversation you will have.

Harlan: It’s very rare that he’ll say no.

John: In my experience it’s very rare.

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