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John Carlton Copywriting Tip: How to Sell With Magic | Marketing Rebel Club

plug_the_leaklsIn this copywriting hotseat, John explains how to find and focus on “the magic” that will get your prospect to buy your product.

John’s comments:

Here’s the Marketing Rebel “Appeal-O-Meter”. Real quick. The closer you get to “magic”…go to sleep, take a pill, wake up with 40 pounds gone…the higher your response. Almost everybody is interested in that. The closer you get to the cold, hard reality…Workout for 3 hours each day, watch what you eat, be hungry, be disciplined…almost nobody wants to hear that.

In my talk, I go off…there are a couple of markets where if I say “You’re going to work like a dog, sweat, hurt, and there is going to be lactic acid in every fiber of your body and it’s going to be the most pain you ever felt in your life…” they like that. Almost all the bodybuilders will respond to the cold hard reality. They don’t want magic.

Interestingly enough, they have been burned by that. Bodybuilders get burned once they will not get burned again. And bodybuilders know that magic doesn’t happen, but it is one of those rare markets.

The “how to be popular” market…Dale Carnegie and stuff like that. It’s like “buy this book and you don’t even have to read it. Just buy it and put it on your bedside table and you’ll go to sleep and wake up with a blonde lying next to you. That’s the magic. You know. The cold hard reality is that you actually have to go out and talk to women, have something to say and groom yourself. Stop looking like the slob that you are.

But, this is an important thing to keep in mind. When I write, I go for the magic. And I say…”What if I could have anything happen at all, to make people buy this product. What would the magic be?” A lot of times it will be a magic pill, but a lot of times it is like…have you guys seen all these debt commercials that come on? People are helping people get out of debt because bankruptcies are at a sky-high rate right now.

They really want to get to the magic. They want to get to the point that you “call us, we’ll fix your debt.” Now, the unspoken thing in there is, is what…anybody guess what the unspoken benefit of having your debt fixed for people is?

So you can go out and do it again. OK? So the magic is “Honey, they’ll take care of our debt! We had 55 bills, now we’ll have 1 bill to pay every month and money back, you know, back in our pocket every month! We can go gambling! You know?

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