John Carlton gives an analogy to explain the value of testimonials in adding credibility to your message:

John’s comments:

I want you to as if it is you and one person sitting down. Now, most people, most writers, make the huge mistake of thinking the guy is going to sit back, light a cigar, and he says “Let me tell you a story. It all started back when I was 12 years old…” You know? Aint gonna happen.

The best thing you can do is imagine yourself in a bar, or crowded room, or something, and you hear the guy next to you say “My God, my business is about to go under. I wish I could find a way to double profits and where I wouldn’t have to work so much”. And you say “You know what? I have about 5 different people that have done that”. And, at that point, what if one guy comes walking by the bar, and says “Hey, Wally. I got that stuff you talked about…that free report…it’s only been 3 weeks, and I’ve alsready doubled sales”, and I’m only working 3 days. The guy will say “What?” He doesn’t believe you, he is going to believe that. What if 3 people come by…what if 5 people come by? OK?

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