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John Carlton Marketing : Get into a Market With a Big Splash | Marketing Rebel Club

In this marketing hot seat, John Carlton tells how to break into a market with a big splash. It was a technique used by Robert Allen, Jay Abraham, other top marketers.

His comments:

I think about “what would Jay do”, “what would Gary have done”, things like that. What they would have done was “the big splash”. OK, you only need one company, maybe it’s the first of 3 companies you help or something. But you make some kind of dramatic change that gets a testimonial from them that says “Unbelievable. We doubled profits”.

Jay lived off of Icy Hot for 25 years. A client he had in 1980. And that was his first testimonial. Still is, I think. And, what that was, was a legitimate, thought-out, finding a client. He waited…he had a number of clients, but he found this one, it was like “Whoa, this is the one.” And there’s theater involved, and it’s going out there and it’s being the go-to-guy and it’s making a big deal about it.

It’s like Robert Allen being dropped off in the middle of the country with 10 bucks to his name and coming out with 4 properties, back when “no money down” was big in the early ’80’s.

There’s any number of things with theater to do that. That’s a quick way to do it. Now, whether you have it in you, whether you want to do it, that’s one way to think about it. Because, the tendency is to be kind of subdued and say “Well, I helped this company double their profits”, or whatever. And if you don’t have the right amount of theater, you don’t really make it up, it’s kind of like that selling from your heels angle.

The best way to do it is to bust in…I learned to do that as a freelancer. I would literally bust into doors. I would walk in, walk past the receptionist…I was a freelancer…and burst into the VP’s office. They got used to it after a while. But the first time, you know “you can’t come in here”. “Well, I’m here”. “I just heard you’re changing my copy.” I was a Nazi about it. And, you set the stage. And that’s when I started learning about how to dress and things like that. There’s a lot of angles to this.

Eva: That’s not really my personality.

John: OK. Are we going to talk or not? What I am saying is that that’s another option. The Big Splash can be done with the theater that the guys who are legendary in this business have done. That’s one way to do it. Tony Robbins made a big splash. There are a lot of ways you can do this. If that doesn’t fit your style, then what you have to do is adopt the less theatrical elements of that, but if you come in and say “I helped business B, which is just like you, business A. I doubled their profits”, and you rattle it off, it just goes in one ear and out the other.

So, you have to sit down and say “How’d you like to double your profits? Let me repeat that. Double your profit. And, in fact, double it in 6 months. Let me repeat that. In 6 months.” “What are you talking about?” “You guys know Arcane Industries over there?” “Yeah”. “I doubled their profits in 6 months.” “Oh”. Then, you’ve got their attention and you are going. There is this element of theater. It’s all theater. But that is the secret of many successful folks. They do it on bravado, on theater, and a lot of the clients really like it. But, it’s all bottom line results. So, one guy may get the results, but you don’t even know it. He is quiet, he gets overlooked.

But, once you get that, once you get that first success, then what you do with it. If you just use it as a side testimonial, it may be the main thing you have to bring forward.

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