Improve Your Copy With Improv – March 2022

David’s Inner Circle March Bonus Training: Improve Your Copy With Improv This month we are sharing a presentation David gave at one of John Carlton's Copywriting Sweatshops. He shows you how to get inspiration through improv. Definitely an out-of-the-box idea, but I...

Supercharge Your Headlines – Jan 2022

David’s Inner Circle January Bonus Training: Supercharge Your Headlines This video is an over-my-shoulder look at the thought process and exact steps that I use to turn a client’s ordinary headline into an extraordinary one. Click on the image to watch the video: Here...

How Million Dollar Copywriters Negotiate Deals – Dec 2021

David’s Inner Circle December Bonus Training: How Million Dollar Copywriters Negotiate Deals This month David interviewed Aaron Winter. This is a transcript of that interview. Aaron Winter ran a highly successful copywriting agency for many years that generatedover a...

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