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Sam Fishbein: Classic Salesmanship Secrets: Scuttlebutt Session: Marketing | Marketing Rebel Club

Sam Fishbein: Classic Salesmanship Secrets: Scuttlebutt Session: Marketing

Sam Fishbein: Classic Salesmanship Secrets – Scuttlebutt Session

John Carlton talks to Sam Fishbein, a world-class copywriter who owned & ran a mega-profitable retail business for 45 years… and (most interesting) managed an enormous stable of “on the floor” sales people.

Sam learned his copy chops working with guys like Jay Abraham, Gary Halbert, as well as Carlton… and has decades of experience with killer face-to-face salesmanship tactics. And, because he has to teach and motivate and corral actual salesmen (and keep close track of their progress), he has an incredible “scientific” understanding of what it takes for one human being to convince another to buy. This is the great secret at the heart of killer sales copy: persuasion. It’s also the weakest link in most of the copy we critique. You’re gonna love hearing this intense “mini seminar” about salesmanship… and it’s going to increase the power of your own abilities amazingly fast.

This lesson... along with a vast library of small business marketing lessons and training programs... a private Facebook-like chat stream where you can get answers to all of your questions about marketing tools and techniques, small business growth, and life as an entrepreneur...

... is only available to members of the Marketing Rebel Insiders Club.

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