Getting Email Delivered Read and Acted On: Part 3: Q and A: Marketing

Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On:  Part 3 – Q&A

Below are questions submitted before the course “How to Get Your Emails Delivered, Read and Acted Upon” was created and after the original release.

John Carlton and I reviewed all of the questions submitted before and after the webinar.

Our responses follow the questions.

We answered the great majority of the questions that were submitted in the original webinar. Below are a few we either did not cover, or thought there might be a little more we could share.

Please use the link at the bottom of the page to jump over to the forum and post any questions or comments you might have. — Stan Dahl

How do I find out what servers are prone to be blacklisted?

Easy to get on = prone to be blacklisted.

Anybody can load any email address they want into the system and start sending them emails = prone to be blacklisted.

Beyond that, you’ll want to check recent references for any given vendor.

I know a major vendor that had serious blacklisting problems in the past. They claimed they were doing things to fix that. And to be quicker on resolving blacklisting issues when they occur (It’s not ‘if’, it’s ‘when’. For all vendors). So I don’t want to name them, because my information is several months old and that’s a long time in this field.

Are controversy & current event tie-ins good ways to get your email opened, or will they get you blacklisted?

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