Action Seminar 2 – The Good Idea Trap – John Carlton & Stan Dahl – Marketing

John Carlton and Stan Dahl: The Good Idea Trap

AS2-good-idea-trapWe kicked off with a reality check.

The “Good Idea Trap” is a common rut that well-meaning entrepreneurs can fall into.

This video segment show you exactly what the trap looks like, and how to pull yourself out.

(The 2 women who walk out about 15 min in… Wrong room. Signed up for the dental event next door. Kind of funny it took them that long.)

This presentation is from the Action Seminar and it, plus a vast library of small business marketing lessons and training programs... a private Facebook-like chat stream where you can get answers to all of your questions about marketing tools and techniques, small business growth, and life as an entrepreneur...

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Stan Dahl & The Marketing Rebel Team

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