How to Map a Process
Stan Dahl brought a business consulting background to his partnership with John Carlton. One of the things he did was to help business owners and managers define and optimize the processes that they used in their businesses.
During the second Copywriting Sweatshop he spent about 20 minutes explaining how process mapping works.
A process can be loosely defined as something that you want to get done. In the seminar, he uses as an example creating a blog. The process map would show all the things you need in order to create the blog, the steps involved, and any output from the blog. That output might then be used as input for another process.
The map is composed of boxes and looks a lot like a mind map. It is very useful because it can keep you on track and, if several people are collaborating, it will help keep everyone up to date and on the same page.
Anyone can use this to help their own business, no matter how large or small it may be.
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