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How to Publish on LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform: Marketing | Marketing Rebel Club

How to Publish on LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform: Marketing

How to Publish on LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform

When people think of business to business social media, the first thing that comes to mind is Linkedin.

There is a larger concentration of the business leaders and it is more of a business networking site than Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Of course, if you want to be successful you have to position yourself as a go-to-guy (or gal) in your niche.  To do this you have to communicate with your prospects…sharing interesting articles and videos, commenting on other people’s stuff, and messaging your prospects, as well as joining and interacting in groups.

One great way to stand out is to publish full-length articles on LinkedIn’s publishing platform  If you publish something that others like and share with their networks you may even get it featured in its channel or on LinkedIn Pulse.

It is not difficult to publish your work on LinkedIn.  If you were thinking about doing it (or think that maybe it would be a good idea), this video will give you an idea of what the process involves.

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