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How to Host and Share Video Using Amazon S3 | Marketing Rebel Club

Videos are becoming more and more popular as a means for getting information out. People love watching them and, as they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. It is much easier to explain most things with video than in written form.

The biggest problem with video is that the files can be quite large (in the hundreds of MB). This poses a problem for a site owner who doesn’t want to spend a fortune on bandwidth.

“The Cloud” is becoming the solution of choice, because bandwidth charges are minimal. One of the most popular cloud applications is Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

In order to use Amazon S3 you must be able to upload and download files and make them available to your website visitors. The uploading and downloading is accomplished using specialized FTP services.  The players may be supplied by the FTP service or by software installed on your site.

Amazon Media Manager and EZS3

At the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club we used to use Amazon S3 to host our videos, and to upload files, create players and post the videos to the site.  It is relatively inexpensive and easy to use.  We have since switched to Vimeo, but Vimeo doesn’t allow for audio players.  If you do a lot of audio you are probably better off with Amazon.

In this video I show how to set up accounts at Amazon and EzS3, how to use the AWS media manager to upload and manage files, and how to use Ezs3 to upload and manage files and create players. I also show how to embed the players on the blog.

I also introduce some other features that EzS3 offers, including players for audio.

Click on the image to play:

You can download the site files I created in this video by clicking here

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