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Are your pages loading quickly? | Marketing Rebel Club

One of the most important metrics used by Google now is the speed the page loads.

This is made even more important by the fact that more and more people are using their phones (some of which are still at 2G speed) to surf the internet.

Do you know how fast your page loads on a device with a slow internet connection?

Google has come to your rescue with their “Page Speed Insights”.

You can read about it here.

Go here and enter your URL to analyze your site.

Some of the explanation is in tech-speak, but you can get a good idea of how your site is loading and I am guessing that your website team can understand the mumbo-jumbo.

In a nutshell, this is what it covers:

  1.  Overall speed (fast, medium or slow)
  2. Optimization score:  This measures how well-optimized the page is.  It gives a score of 0-100 with 100 indicating a page that is well-optimized
  3. Suggestions for improvement:  This goes into specific best practices and makes suggestions as to what you can do to increase your page load speed.

One plugin that we found that may help is the ShortPixel Image Optimizer.  You can find out more about it and download it here.

Or you can go to your site’s dashboard and search for and download the plugin from there.

It compresses the images on your site, therefore making it leaner and increasing the load speed.

If you have any tips for making pages load faster, we would love to hear about them.  Just email Virginia at

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