John Carlton’s Best Ads: Hyper-Effective Cover Letter #3: Oh, My God… – Marketing

John Carlton’s Best Ads:  Hyper-Effective Cover Letter #3:  Oh, My God…

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make… is to get tired of their own advertising before the ads are actually dead. Sometimes, they pull ads that are still cooking at peak efficiency. They see the ad every day, they get tired of it, bored with it, their spouse is grousing about how embarrassing or odd it is, the staff is sick of it, whatever. They see Ford and Pepsi and AT&T changing ads every week, and they think that’s how it’s done.

My clients know better.

This infamous John Carlton ad... along with many others...

... each accompanied by John's breakdown of the strategies and persuasion techniques that made them so successful...

... are waiting for you right here -> John Carlton's Best Ads… And The Stories Behind Them.

This is one of the world's greatest swipe files, packed full of money-making examples you will apply to your own ads, emails, social media posts, etc.

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Click Here for all of John Carlton's Best Ads… And The Stories Behind Them.


Stan Dahl
Chief Marketing Rebel

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