I chose this letter (which continues to work very well to both house and outside lists) because of the cool handwriting and doodles in the margins.
This goes back to the concept of “humanizing” your letters. The handwritten notes and circles are in a different color… as if the writer had grabbed the typeset letter just before it left for the printer, and scribbled last-minute thoughts all over it.
If there are certain parts of your message you want to highlight, you can use freehand circles and brackets and exclamation marks like this, or actual yellow highlighting. (In fact, Microsoft Word even has a yellow highlighting option in the tool bar, upper right, just past the bullet icons.)
Even with audiences who have been proven to like — and. buy from — long copy ads, you can “shortcut” the process of selling by using highlighting tactics like this. It doesn’t stop the prospect who will carefully read every word… and it will help catch the eye of the reader who is just scanning the letter, in a hurry for whatever reason.
Click here to see the “Shortcuts For The Scanner” ad.
(It will open in a new window or tab, so you can toggle between the ad and Carlton’s commentary.)