Camtasia Animations: How to Create a Squeeze Page: Marketing

Camtasia Animations:  How to Create a Squeeze Page

This is the third video in our series on spicing up your Camtasia videos with animations.

We are tackling a more complicated project and creating a squeeze page.

The video is basically a live stream, but I cut some repetitive parts and a couple of places where the content was not relevant to the theme of how to create animations (for example, I cut a couple of places where I was searching for a font or a background color).

I tried to keep things moving as much as possible, but it does drag on from time to time.  That is just part of the process and there is really nothing I could do about it.l

Anyway, enjoy, and I think you will get a lot out of this video.  The second video is the clip I created (beware, the music is addicting).

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