Copywriting Hotseat: Just Sell the Darn Thing: Marketing

Copywriting Hotseat:  Just Sell the Darn Thing

Dwight is selling a MLM product to businesses.  There are 2 major points that are made.

First, it is not targeted enough.  The headline targets all businesses.  John says that he should find a niche to start out with, so he can personalize the copy more.

Second, he is selling from his heels.  John tells him to cut out most of his first page, including his own story, because it does not move the sale along.  There is a discussion about the stories John uses in his copy and he is asked what the difference is between the story Dwight is telling and the ones he uses.

John also talks about the “so, what?” test and how to stay on track if you start to wander (like Dwight did).

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