Squeeze new value out of your existing content: Marketing

Squeeze new value out of your existing content

Creating content the easy way…

If you have been creating content for any length of time, you are sitting on a gold mine.

Just combine, split, convert.

You can:

Reach new audiences: People consume content in different ways, and hang out in different places so producing more types of content and posting it in more places will reach more people who may be interested in your message.

Increase your organic reach: Posting your content in different formats and on different platforms will give it a better chance of being found in organic (translate: free) searches.

Gain new skills: Maybe you don’t know how to create a video, infographic, podcast, etc. Once you have done it a few times it will be like second nature. You will gain new skills and new confidence in your abilities.

Give old content new life: It may just take a little cutting here, a little reinforcing there…and you have new content for your site or to post in other places.

Here are 20 ways to reuse, recycle and reinvent your content…

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