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How to trim a video with Windows Photos | Marketing Rebel Club

Probably one of the last places you would expect to find a video editor is in an image app.  But, you can open a video in Windows Photos and do some editing.

If you just want to clip a piece of a video without having to re-render it in Camtasia, you don’t really have a lot of options.

This is the easiest one we have found so far.  And, it is free.

In this short video we show how to open and trim a video using Windows Photos.  We also introduce you to some of the other editing options offered in this app.

It is only available for Windows, though.  Sorry, all you Mac-fanatics…

Click on the image to watch the video:

If you have a tool that you just can’t live without, let us know.  Either open a support ticket, comment at the end of this post, or post it in the Clubhouse.  Thanks.

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