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Member Hotseat: Draft done whats next?: Marketing | Marketing Rebel Club

Member Hotseat: Draft done whats next?: Marketing

Member Hotseat:  Draft done…what’s next?

On the hot seat this month is Carl Picot.  He interviewed a group of successful copywriters (including John Carlton) and created a product.  He has asked Carlton and me to critique his sales letter.

We had at it for about 45 minutes, and Carl came away with several action steps he can take to improve his copy (first step…throw most of it away).  This type of radical surgery is necessary for anyone after the first draft is completed, and you will see how Carlton recommends he proceed with it.

We spoke about a lot of things, including:

  • How and why he has to pinpoint his audience…where they are now and what they need next,
  • How to present the product in a unique way, to combat the “ho-hum” of something that is fairly common in the IM niche
  • How to review your own copy with a fresh and critical eye, using the “so, what?” test
  • When and why you should (and shouldn’t) use your own story in the copy
  • How to swipe copy and not make it look swiped
  • and much more…

It’s really incredible…Carlton makes some off-hand comments that could spell the difference between success and failure in your copy.  You will probably have to listen 2 or 3 times to catch all the nuggets he comes out with.

As always, we conduct the hotseats with an eye toward helping everyone, not just Carl.  The concepts we discuss can be applied to any market, and you will come away with ideas and action steps you can use to make your own copy better.

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