Marketing Hot Seat: Developing a New Business Model: Marketing

Marketing Hot Seat:  Developing a New Business Model

Teran Dale is an adwords expert who runs a consulting business where he sets up and maintains his clients’ Adwords campaigns.

Currently he charges an up front set up fee and a monthly maintenance fee.  He is frustrated with this model because he sees his clients making a lot of money and he only gets a set amount each month.

He would like to get more of a pay-for-performance model so he can share in the success of his clients.

In his marketing, Teran has one major challenge.  He cannot talk about specific results he has achieved for his clients.

They find that the first thing he needs to do is  get his mindset right.

Then they discuss several ways for him to monetize his skill…some that he didn’t expect.

This shows one of the values of a hot seat…that you can get opinions from people who are totally removed from the situation and therefore can suggest many things that the person on the hot seat never considered…or put new light on things he has had in mind.

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