Marketing Hotseat: Developing an Online Presence: Marketing

Marketing Hotseat:  Developing an Online Presence

Martin is a university professor who has a side consulting business in which he helps Fortune 500 companies comply with diversity laws.  Most of his clients seek him out because they are being sued for discrimination. He is a subject matter expert who wants to move from word-of-mouth referrals to generating more leads online.

John starts off by explaining how to write your book in 14 days.  There is a wide-ranging discussion of many other topics…how to become the go-to-guy, selling to a corporation vs selling to an individual, how to chart out your wish list, how to get others to provide content, what makes a newsletter effective, fame vs fortune, and how to monetize requests for information. They also talk about getting free publicity through media exposure.

Even though his niche is somewhat esoteric, and his clients are large corporations, the strategies discussed can be applied to any business. I guarantee you will come away from this with at least 2 ideas that can be applied to your business.

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