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MRIC Member Hotseat: Selling from your heels vs gun to the head copy: Marketing | Marketing Rebel Club

MRIC Member Hotseat: Selling from your heels vs gun to the head copy: Marketing

MRIC Member Hotseat:  Selling from your heels vs gun-to-the-head copy

Stan and John recently sat down (virtually) with Joel, a MRIC member who helps entrepreneurs develop authority.  One of his services is to groom them to appear on radio shows and podcasts .  He has experience from many years working at a radio station in Chicago and has a system where he can take anyone and make them a radio ninja in about 10 minutes.

Joel submitted a video script for the hot seat.  Most successful copywriters will create a first draft, then throw out the first half (at least).  John says that Joel should do this, as well, because all of his best stuff is at the end.

A lot of people don’t understand what “selling from your heels” is, and this hot seat highlights the difference between selling from your heels and gun to the head copywriting.

They also discuss ways Joel can round out his business and distinguish himself from his competition.

A lot of great stuff here, as always.

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