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Jose Ayala posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago · updated 7 years, 9 months ago
In the SWS John talks about step number 10. (headlines) He says to start the whole process by writing out headlines first. What does that mean?
Does he mean to use all the info from the avatar, hooks, features and benefits and story and turn them into headlines? -
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago
How to Quickly Find A Great Domain Name
Here are 2 free tools that you will find very helpful if you are looking for an available domain. If you want to find an available domain, go to […]
Idan Romsky posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago · updated 7 years, 9 months ago
hey, after i finish my copy… now i need edit it, and tight itup… how you do it? and about what you recommend to look in this step (the editing)?
Hi Idan: By “tighten it up” he means to cut all excess words and to use the most powerful words possible. I see you aren’t in the Simple Writing System, which would help you a lot. It is hard to give specific advice without seeing your copy.
There is no way to upload a PDF to the classroom, unfortunately. If you have a website you can post it…Read more
Virginia’s right. To tighten means to cut out ALL unnecessary verbiage (after editing your copy down to it’s essential core)…
… which generally means that you cannot remove a single word from any headline or sentence, without making that head or sentence incoherent. Every word does a job, and is essential to the message you’re laying out.…Read more
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago
How to post PDF's in the Marketing Rebel Club Clubhouse
When you create a post in the MRIC Clubhouse, you can see links to add images, videos, and links, but none to add a PDF. This makes it difficult […]
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago
How to Convert PDFs to Doc using Google Docs
It is easy to convert a Word doc to a PDF. Just save as a PDF. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to reverse the process. You have 2 choices: […]
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John Carlton’s Best Ads: Hyper-Effective Cover Letters #1 — My All-Time Favorite Cover Letter
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John Carlton’s Best Ads: Short, Old-As-Dirt “Nice Guy” Finishes First
Let's count the ''tricks" I pulled out of my bag for this ad: A take-away superscript. (Gone in 11 days.) Instant urgency. Long headline. A compelling "not what you expected" type of headline. This is self-defense ...and yet we're talking about old short guys in the...
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John Carlton’s Best Ads: The “Piss Everyone Off and Then Apologize” Letter
Here is the letter I mention in “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets” where the personalized headline enraged so many people. I was only trying for a “visceral” connection in the headline — you know, give people’s hot button about vulnerability a gentle rap. Get a reaction.
Boy, did it ever cause a reaction…
You can check out John Carlton’s “Piss Everyone Off and Then Apologize” ad…
… and some of his other top-grossing ads…
… PLUS, get additional commentary and insights from John on this and many more of his best ads.
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At the beginning he talks about finding great headlines and ripping them for your own use. You have to take into account your avatar, what you know about the features and benefits and story in order to convert these headlines into something that will grab your prospect. Using existing headlines is a great way to start because they give you the…Read more
Awesome Thanks Virginia