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  • Here is my revised video script after mu hot seat with stan and john Would appreciate any feedback, thanks in advance.
    Video Script:
    Slide 1: Here’s Who I Am!

    Slide 2: Hi, My Name Is Joel Helfer… I’m 68 years old, live in Orlando, Fla with
    my wife, middle son and lily the collie. My eldest son, an archtiect and…Read more

  • There are a lot of times when you need a quick graphic or image.  Maybe you want to post a meme on Facebook, maybe you want to illustrate something to a prospect or client.

    We have several videos that explain […]

  • Hi, I have three quick questions:

    1. Should I use an exclamation point in the headlines? If so, why?

    2. Features and Benefits:
    I am trying to figure if my features and benefits should be placed throughout the copy (From the headlines to the testimonies). On some of the swipe files I noticed the features and benefits and not always in bullet…Read more

  • Hi, my name is Joe and I just finished the Simple Writing System. I would like to post my ad (to be used on a freelance website) for review and critique. BTW it is a pdf. I learned a ton! and I look forward to advice!

  • Hello all

    John, Please review my copy? Am I on the right track or is the boring fluff?

    Target market:
    – Americans who are unemployed or working in low level jobs (cleaning, waitress, construction, admin etc.)
    – No or very little education
    – Low incomes

    Job/ Job interview help report (eBook / maybe video). Interviews with…Read more

    • Excuse the typos 🙂

    • Hi Israel: Overall, it looks pretty good. You are missing your story, though. Who are you and why should the prospect listen to you?

      In order to get John and Stan to review the copy you have to finish your letter and submit it for a hot seat. There is a link to the application in the right column.

      • Thanks Drew. I your opinion, where would be the optimum place to insert that? Before the sub-heading “But is this even realistic?”

        Also, what is the strategy if the writer have no credentials, no years of experience etc.

        Would the story then take place as an observer – “I had this problem, I was so frustrated I was determined to solve it so I…Read more

        • Hi Isreal (sorry I misspelled your name before): In the Simple Writing System John recommends that you put your story near the top (“Hi, here’s who I am). You wouldn’t put it before your subhead, though. It goes in the body of your letter. There really is no hard and fast rule, though. Wherever it fits in the best.

          You are right. In this…Read more

Recent Member Lessons

John Carlton’s Best Ads: The “Piss Everyone Off and Then Apologize” Letter

Here is the letter I mention in “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets” where the personalized headline enraged so many people. I was only trying for a “visceral” connection in the headline — you know, give people’s hot button about vulnerability a gentle rap. Get a reaction.

Boy, did it ever cause a reaction…

You can check out John Carlton’s “Piss Everyone Off and Then Apologize” ad…

… and some of his other top-grossing ads…

PLUS, get additional commentary and insights from John on this and many more of his best ads.

Learn the background, insights, structure, a persuasion techniques that went into some of the ads that launched John Carlton into the world of copywriting and advertising legends.

And start applying those same techniques to your own sales copy.

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