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Brad Lloyd posted an update 3 years, 4 months ago · updated 3 years, 4 months ago
First time encounter of John Carlton was 1992, after 3 days in Tampa, Florida with Ted Nichlas. Now back here.
How do your suggest on build a plan for: “Magic Words That Brings YOU RICHE$”
Thanks, Brad Lloyd
Alejandro posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago
Does anyone have great examples of email sequences that worked? Or any courses that teach you how to create them?
Thanks in advance.
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 3 years, 5 months ago
Here is that notoriously-long letter I wrote to the bodybuilding market a few years back. It’s a trimmed-down version of the 23-page letter that originally went out - we condensed a bunch of the charts and […]
Nelson Perine III posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago · updated 3 years, 5 months ago
Hello, my name is Nelson. I am rookie copywriter and also the copywriter for my sister’s very new business(It’s an online boutique store). I’ve taken some classes on copywriting and wrote some copy but I need more direction, and a mentor. Right now I am just floating in the ocean without a map. Hopefully, I can fine tune my writing skills and…Read more
Alejandro posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago
Hey guys!
So I’ve been going through what John calls “Shameless Whoring Phase” for a couple of months now.
I’ve had the interesting experience to work with many niches:
Did a couple ads for my boss (she does networking events in Miami covering different topics), did an ad about a cryptocurrency product, a spirituality/mindset book, a lady…Read more
Recent Member Lessons
John Carlton’s Best Ads: 22 Minutes And 17 Seconds
This is one of my favorite examples of a "bonding" letter. By that, I mean there are deliberate elements here that help a targeted audience identify with the information. The cover letter ("Please Read This First") is from Dr. O'Leary's father-- an...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: The Naked Girls All Laughed Behind The Little Pudgy Guy’s Back…
Most self-defense ads try hard to look tough. Like the product is tough, the talent is tough, even the receptionist answering the phones is tough. Pick up a Black Belt or Soldier of Fortune magazine and check out the attitude of the writing. Tough guys. Grrrr. Sports...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: The Human Computer
This letter almost set a record for the shortest time spent as a control at Phillips Publishing (the newsletter giant)... but it wasn't my fault. They mailed it, it scored a hit with outside lists... and then they decided not to publish the newsletter after all. I...
Bob Bly Reveals: Key Techniques to Transform Your Copywriting and Marketing Skills
In this call, David and Bob Bly discuss the details of copywriting and marketing. Bob shares important tips on how to make compelling offers and position yourself well in marketing. They discuss how copywriting has changed, highlighting the need to keep learning and...
Hi Brad: I’m sorry but I don’t understand the question.