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Where (What) are the best Swipes for a (digital) client, who focuses in digital marketing, e-commerce, managed websites, local seo, & landing pages?
Charles McCorquodale posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Where (What) are the best Swipes for a (digital) client, who focuses in digital marketing, e-commerce, managed websites, local seo, & landing pages?
Vivian posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago · updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi everyone , I just finished the SWS course, and it is incredibly valuable ! Now I have a question: is there a guideline for converting the sales letter into different formats such as social media posts, YouTube videos, blogs, and emails?
Hi, Vivian,
To me, it’s not so much a question of “converting,” since each has such a different function — sales letters sell, but social media posts, blogs, emails often serve to get leads.
And to lead prospects to the sales letter or elsewhere.
That said, you do want to extract your USP, your main selling points, and much else from the s…Read more
Thanks, David, for clarifying. I now see the difference between selling and generating leads. Much appreciated!
Raiyan Anwaar posted an update 5 months, 4 weeks ago · updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Question for anyone who is knowledgeable on Facebook pixel.
Is conversion API a big help? Or is just the face book pixel enough?
Hi, Raiyan,
Your question is outside my the scope of my technical expertise.
But I was curious about it and curious to see what AI would have to say.
So I asked ChatGPT.
Answer, below, looks pretty accurate. But hopefully someone who knows from experience will comment…
The Facebook Pixel and the Facebook Conversion API (CAPI) serve…Read more
Thanks David!
Question. Do you sell your advertisements alone without the mentor ship (like how John does)?
Jahzel Morel posted an update 6 months ago · updated 6 months ago
Hi Club,
As we know John’s copy style is long, punchy and outrageous at times.
Taking time into consideration, what’s the best form of copy to use online in your opinion.
For instance Facebook is a pain in ass with its compliance and ads rules. You gotta be extremely careful with what you say in there. I learned the hard way… believe me.
So,…Read more
Hi, Jahzel,
This is very little “this works and this doesn’t” online or off-.
It all depends on how it’s done.Long copy when it’s interesting and compelling can work.
Short copy when it does what needs to be done and says what need to be said to get the click or sale can work.Generally speaking, shorter often works better because people say…Read more
Yeah, everything you write must go through a rigorous “does this work here, in this context, to this audience, about this subject, at this time?” test. You just gotta train your brain to be objective, and to figure out the risks, rewards, (especially the unnecessary risks and weak-ass rewards), and WHAT WILL WORK BEST.
This skill gets developed…Read more
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Sorry, that’s way too little information to figure out what you might be looking for. Need to know what market you’re, specifically. And what the goals of the client are, and what the offer is, and what the product is, and why do you think finding swipes will help you more than just creating original marketing. Also, what is the competition doing,…Read more