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  • Hey it’s David checking in,

    This is a message that I am using to collect structured feedback…

    Two things that need improvement:
    1) Having the client respond at all
    2) Having the client answer the questions

    In the meantime all I got was “We love working with your dad!”

    Do you see anything that could be improved so that it
    compels the client…Read more

    • HI David: The questions sound good to me.

      When you get someone saying “We love working with your dad” (if you aren’t doing so already) you may want to give them a call and discuss their experience. Then you could get some more specific answers.

      You might also want to call the ones that weren’t satisfied or who gave him a hard time in some…Read more

    • You could also follow up on the phone with the non-responders, saying something to the effect of “we sent you this survey and wanted to make sure you received it”. Or send out the questionnaire 2 or 3 times and then follow up. Make them know that you really care about their experience.

      • Thank you Virginia 🙂

        I’m glad that the tiny script I wrote for the email survey is pretty good.

        Email + phone call for follow up feedback, emails alone tend not to get the job done it seems 🙂

        • You could also send some postcards. You might get a better response than email. Or some letters with SASE included.

          • I really like your mail idea.

            I’ve read so much about mail order marketing…

            Might as well start mailing postcards

            Would it be worth testing postcards vs SASE response for a survey?

            Leaning towards mailing SASE.

            • I would try both. The postcard is better in that it doesn’t have to be opened, but if you have a written survey and SASE it is easier for the customer to reply to a letter once they open it.

              You might also offer some type of incentive for their honest opinion.

            • Both it is.

              Thank you.

  • hey, im looking for ads from the great copywriter… parris lampropoulos
    if you have some, it will be great, thanks!

    • Parris keeps his cards very close to his chest. He doesn’t have a course or do group coaching. He works with just a few copywriters at a time and he’s not easy to reach unless you know someone who knows him.

      As for his swipes, I don’t know a source I’d trust for copy I’m highly confident was written by Parris. You can Google around. You’ll…Read more

  • Hello guys,

    I just want to say hi to you.

    I’m a 22 years old brazilian trying do make a living as a copywriter. At the moment, I’m the copywriter of the biggest english teaching youtube channel on Brazil (half a million subscribers).

    We help brazilians who wants to speak english to speak advacend english in 6 months or less, even if they have…Read more

  • hey, what the best publishers for health/diet/weight loss (for example: Rodale).

    • My former boyfriend used to receive a lot of that stuff. I think most of it came from Rodale and Bottom Line (which I think are related), There is also Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic.

      He passed away in 2014 so my memory is a bit foggy. There were a couple of doctors and if I remember them I will let you know, but those are a start.

      If you…Read more

      • i subscribed to rodale, but it looks a lot that the copy kind of… avrage.. and not so fantastic, why is that in your opinion ?

        • The only thing I can think of is that it may be being tested. If you see anything last for more than a couple of months you can be assured that it is effective, because they have the best writers and they test everything extensively.

    • There is also Prevention, which publishes books as well as the magazine and may have some type of newsletter, but I’m not sure about that.

  • Sad news today.

    Scott Haines, a friend and frequent SWS Coach, passed away this afternoon.

    Besides being an excellent copywriter and respected teacher, he really was a nice man. He rolled with life’s punches. I can only picture Scott with a smile on his face and him putting even bigger smiles on the face’s of those around him.

    I’m going to…Read more

    • Very sorry to hear this news. I didn’t know him but the sales letter for his copywriting course was one of my favorites.

    • This post on John Carlton’s blog is the best place to leave a comment / note for Scott’s family to read.

      Mongo’s Last Adventure

    • This still sucks. I barely knew Scott. Spoke to him once on the phone and a few FB messages back and forth about his course, maybe it an email too.

      He was a good dude, great writer –– I wish I knew him better.

      I gave a bit to his first GoFundme and encourage anyone who can afford it (and EVERYONE here CAN afford at least a few bucks to do the…Read more

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