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Greetings from Mexico. Really excited to learn from the best! Cheers!
JACKSON LIEW posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago · updated 4 years, 10 months ago
Hi, it’s a pleasure to be with you all. I know for a while that marketing rebel insider club is an invaluable place for copywriters, marketers and even business owners to be in. You all are awesome. That’s why I’m here to master copywriting and use it for my networking business.
Всем привет!
Я из России. Очень счастлива попасть в этот клуб. Чувствую, застряну надолго) -
Jennifer posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago
Brandyn Shoemaker posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago · updated 4 years, 10 months ago
Hey everyone, excited to be here. I’ve had my eyes on the Kick-Ass Copywriting course for a while, and I couldn’t say no to $20. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone here. Just a quick question…I’m still pretty old school and like to hold books in my hand, highlight with an actual highlighter, etc. Is it okay to make a copy of the…Read more
Recent Member Lessons
How To Find Out What Theme A WP Site Is Using
If you have ever visited a site and wondered what theme they were using, this tool can help you out. It is very simple to use. We created a very (very) short video just to demo it. Click here to watch the video: https://vimeo.com/463040292 Go here to check it out....
How to use TitleCase.com
This is a neat little tool. You may not use it very much, but when you need it, it will really come in handy. Say you wrote a heading for a sales letter and didn't capitalize each word. Go to TitleCase.com and enter the header and, within a second, you have it...
Convert Files with OnlineConvert
Do you ever have files that are in the wrong format? Maybe Flash (FLV) that you want to be MP4? Maybe you want to strip the audio from a video? Maybe you have a PDF that you want to convert to Kindle format? We found a site that seems to be able to convert just about...
Easily create screenshots and screen capture videos with Capture
Techsmith has a free tool that makes it easy to create screenshots and screen capture videos... Capture. We created a short video to show you how to download and use this tool. Note: This video was created right before Jing was discontinued (July, 2020), but as of...
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Welcome, Gerardo!