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hupomeno posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago · updated 8 years, 1 month ago
Xsitepro is closed down. I checked into after reading Virginia’s article. Well, is there any other recommended software that is compatible w/ Xsitepro and has as many features?
Idan Romsky posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago · updated 8 years, 1 month ago
i have an avrage of 10-15% open rate for my subject lines (weight loss, its for a list of 44,000 woman).your best tip ( or technique) for make it better?
My best tip would be for you to apply for a hot seat and have John and Stan critique your email marketing plan. There are a lot of things you can do, but it depends on what you are doing now. It is a free service for MRIC members and there is a link in the right column to apply.
Since your open rate is not terrible, I’d need know more about your existing subject lines and emails to make any specific suggestions.
Idan Romsky posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago · updated 8 years, 1 month ago
hey, im looking in big magazines like: Cosmo, Reader’s Digest… i want to improve my headlines… now, you suggest me to look just in their online sites?
2) have you idea how to know if some headline is better than other in this sites?
thanks a lot.p.s
sorry about my english, im working on that 🙂 -
Kevin Canaber posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago · updated 8 years, 1 month ago
Hey everyone, I’m writing an advertorial promoting 1) how to reduce your cable & internet bill
2) how to find better car deals onlineDoes anyone have any good controls to share with me that I can see? I’d appreciate it alot
Hi Kevin: Is this going to be published offline? The best way to get controls is to go to magazines and newspapers in which those ads appear and get issues that are about 6-8 months old (or older). See which ads are still running. These are the winners, because advertisers won’t keep using an ad that isn’t selling.
You can also visit the customer support forums (official and unofficial) for companies that sell these services.
Take notes on the questions posted. The exact language used. And what replies seem to satisfy. Those are the questions, objections, and answers you can cover in your advertorials.
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 8 years, 1 month ago
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Evernote is an effective tool for organizing your work (and your personal files) and sharing with other people. It is relatively easy to learn […]
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I had heard, a while back, that XsitePro was being closed, but i checked the site at that time and there was no mention of it. I will remove that post. Thanks.
I don’t really know of any free website builder that is comparable to it but if I find one I will let you know.
Thanks Virginia. I did some scoping around and there are a few. Wix and Weebly stand out as online solutions. Would love your expert opinion on them. I may just bite the bullet and learn WordPress.
Pete, thanks for the answer. I don’t know coding. Is WordPress a WYSIWYG type environment. I have the sales funnel outline so I need several landing pages and the usual “About Us” and “Contact”.
Any plug-ins your recommend that are essential to making my life easier would be great.
What are you using the site for? Is it a full site that you will be using as a home for your business or just a landing/sales page to which you would be driving traffic to make a sale or build a list?
If it is a full site, I would suggest that you use Wordpress. You don’t have to learn it yourself. You could hire someone to build the site for…Read more
Full site with a sales page /opt in incorporated. I have narrowed the it down to Weebly and WordPress.
It looks like, from your answer to Pete, that you decided to go with OP. That is probably what I would do, too.
Clickfunnels is kind of expensive, and if you decide to quit I think you lose everything you built (which is probably the same for Weebly). I don’t think it is useful for website building, either. I think it is just for landing…Read more
Follow up: Website build is a BIG learning curve for me…sigh
There are companies that sell customized websites for different industries. If you google “fitness website design” there are results for some that do that type of website and also for a blog that highlights fitness website themes if you want to do your own.
I don’t know anything about any of them so can’t recommend anything, but it is…Read more
I went w/ Option 1. I liked them tons and the price was affordable for our biz start. I signed up for the webinar they offer. Thanks Pete!
Hey guy’s
I’m new here and just looking around however if you are using wordpress I would have to suggest looking at Prostyler for a sitebuilder, I have tried heaps and Prostyler in my opinion is the ducks guts so to speak, there is pretty much nothing you cant do, from memory it’s $97.00 and you can use it for unlimited sites. Definately woth…Read more
Thanks, Wayne, for your suggestion. And welcome to the Club!
I see you are in Simple Writing System. If you have any questions as you go through it, you can post them here in the Clubhouse.