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Koffi Kan Ignace Kra posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
Hi there,
Thank you for offering this opportunity!
I just discovered Copywriting a few weeks (or more) ago…
And, I honestly don’t have a clue as to where to begin.
But, I am very excited at prospect of learning – as quickly as possible – the tricks of the trade, knowing that it all depends on my level commitment.
The issue I’m…Read more
Craig Myers posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago · updated 5 years, 6 months ago
Hi all, Just finished a rough draft of a blog post for a client. Here’s the headline and sub-headline, please let me know what you think!
The only thing that will stop you from watching a Sealoc all-weather TV is your ability to withstand Mother Nature’s harsh conditions…
What makes the AllWeatherTVs, Sealoc TV the best in the world? “…Read more
Woody Harrison posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago · updated 5 years, 6 months ago
Howdy folks! I’ve been wresting with this for a while: do I really need to do this and does it even apply??
My business is video production for non profits and member supported associations. That’s my niche because of the storytelling opportunities and I believe in what they do. However, what I see as the copywriting examples…from most…Read more
Hi Woody: By “the course” I assume you mean The Simple Writing System. The principles you learn there can be applied in any sales situation. The course itself is aimed at writing a sales letter, the steps you follow are the same whether you are selling a $47 Clickbank product or a seven-figure consulting contract. Instead of writing a sales…Read more
james watt posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago · updated 5 years, 6 months ago
I’ve been a member for some time now and I am ready to start taking on high paying clients.
For your information, I have completed the SWS and freelance courses. I am currently building a website to host my portfolio on.
I have been on smaller writing hubs like freelancer (good to build a portfolio) but everyone on there wants the…Read more
Julie Kozlowski posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago · updated 5 years, 6 months ago
Hi everyone !
I am Julie from France.
After running an website agency for 10 years, I decided to get back to school and earn a Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing. I am now preparing to launch 2 funnels (1 for for my boyfriend who is a coach and 1 fo me as a copywriter). After learning a lot about digital marketing, I realised that words…Read more
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It has always been fairly easy to find duplicate text content online, using either a Google search or a site like Copyscape. But, how do you find out if an image you created (or had created for you) is being used by others? We found a site that lets you know if an...
If you just can’t seem to write at a 5th grade level…
Some people just naturally write using plain English and simple words. For others, it is not so easy (should I say "simple"?). They just naturally use 50 cent words when they speak, and write using the same, sometimes convoluted, words and phrases. To the rescue come...
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I had to read your headline 3 times to figure out what you were saying. You have to make it simpler.
If you show us the entire post, I can be more specific. You should write the post first and create the headline to fit the post.
Amazing! thank you for the advice