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Aaron Bump posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago · updated 5 years, 7 months ago
Could use some help, reassurance or a kick in the A$$
I’ve been working with a local YMCA to help increase attendance in their before and after school care program (Kids Express).
I’m attempting to write a letter for them. Being fairly new to copywriting and especially sales letters, I’m a little insecure about it.
When I show my wife the…Read more
James Huber posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago · updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Hey fellow Marketing Rebels,
My name is Ralston. I’m a long-time lurker here but first-time poster.
I’ve got a website that I’m finishing up and getting ready to hit the launch button on… and I’m looking to get a second opinion (or two) on my copy.
I would be willing to trade critiques if anyone helps me out (or however I could return…Read more
Hi James: You can post a link to it here and we will look at it. I would suggest you clean it up and submit it for a hot seat so Stan and John can give you feedback. By “clean it up” I mean format it and create a pdf that they can look at. We have one scheduled for July but you can get it done in August if you want. I think that would be the…Read more
If it isn’t on your site yet you can upload a PDF. If you don’t know how, there is a link to the instructions in the “Member’s Guide” (another link in the right column, but closer to the top).
Sorry, Ralston. I guess reading isn’t my strong point.
Charles West posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago · updated 5 years, 8 months ago
I’m a graphic designer and rapper who loves writing. I want to improve my sales writing abilities so that I can sell courses of my own that I plan to develop, as well as sell more of my music and graphic design services.
Taguari Lopez posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago · updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Can you ask questions regarding copy writing on this forum?
Debra Cope posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
I’ve been writing copy for several years now and have gotten complacent with the few clients that I have. What suggestions do you have for attracting new clients? I know that as a “copywriter” I should have no problems… and yet I haven’t been looking for a while. Any suggestions as to what is working for others to build their business?
Thank…Read more
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Hi Aaron: Unless your wife is a copywriter, I would not give it to her for advice.
I suggest you get John and Stan to review your letter. In order to do that you need to request a hot seat (link in the right-hand column). Thanks.