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Tommy Guidroz posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago · updated 6 years, 7 months ago
Hey Everyone!
Im excited to be on the “inside” now.
I am a Flight Paramedic that has been studying online marketing and copywriting for awhile now.
Making some decent money to be able to fund alot of adventures with my wife, but now we have a lovely daughter together and im looking to transition full time and eventually give up my flight…Read more
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 6 years, 7 months ago
Easily create HTML snippets to add to your posts
One thing we use a lot on the Marketing Rebel site are HTML snippets. This allows us to add blubs to each post and manage them from one […]
Isak posted an update 6 years, 8 months ago · updated 6 years, 7 months ago
I\’m hoping John will answer this, but if anyone else can, that\’s great too.
I listened to the scuttlebutt session \”The Life Changing Secrets of Simply Focusing\” and at some point John mentioned he does a marketing meditation, but never went beyond mentioning it in passing.As a long time meditation geek, I\’ve gotta know how this is done?
Sorry, I have no idea what I was referencing there. I can guess, though — the process of figuring out hooks and sales angles involves stuffing your brain with research and info, and then “getting cold on it” by ignoring it for a while. Sometimes an hour, sometimes a day or two.
However, your brain is working on sorting it all out as you do somet…Read more
Wow, I can’t believe you answered so fast.
That makes perfect sense, I used to do this all the time when writing essays in school and stuff.
Thanks for clarifying it.
Richard Sleigh posted an update 6 years, 8 months ago · updated 6 years, 7 months ago
I am a musician and entrepreneur and I’ve been building custom harmonicas as a business for over 20 years. I got into a program with Hohner harmonicas called the Hohner affiliated customizer program that is an honor ( I am one of 3 in this program in the USA & they are not accepting any more) and allows me to buy parts direct from Germany at a…Read more
Hi Pete,
Thanks for your thoughts – it really helps me out to back up and think from this wider perspective. Signature solution – that gives me a way to take what i have learned and structure it. I also am brain storming the name. The “Simple Writing System” really makes a clear promise. I used to sell a course “Train Rhythms and Pentatonic…Read more
Do you think you could create an info product on the inner game of musicians?
Your take on the creation of music, how to express yourself through music etc.
Sounds like you have a lot of insight on this.
Back in the day I quit playing guitar, because it didn’t feel like playing at all, more like a chore.
I know manual skill and rote practice are…Read more -
Hi Richard: I think Isak has a good idea there. Something on how to stay motivated and keep practicing when you really don’t feel like it.
Also, I’d like to suggest that when you have given it some thought and outlined a path you may want to take, and some products that you think would be of interest to your market, that you apply for a hot…Read more
Andrei Crudu posted an update 6 years, 8 months ago · updated 6 years, 8 months ago
Dear fellow copywriter,
My name is Andrei Crudu and I am a software developer with dreams to escape the coding rat race and move onto running my own software as a service – SAAS – business.
Between coding and marketing, my life is plentiful with joy and happiness and never a dull moment (my 4 year old daughter also helps a lot with this and…Read more
Hi Andrei:
You need to give some more specific info about yourself and what you do.
What type of software do you create? Who would be your target market?
I also suggest that (if you haven’t done this already) you go through the Simple Writing System Express Course. It’s free and will help you nail down who it is you are selling to and what you do for them. Just click on the Simple Writing System banner in the right column and opt in for the course.
If you have done it, please post your three…Read more
I figured I’d mention John Sonmez from Simple Programmer.
Not a programmer myself, but he has courses and very specific knowledge on how to market yourself as a developer.
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Hi Tommy: I would definitely recommend you go through the Simple Writing system express course. It is free. Just click on the link in the right column.
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