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dinacolada posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago · updated 6 years, 10 months ago
I just joined and I’m thrilled to be taking the class. I know some people who took this class and they love you. I’ve also spent more time binging on the Truth About Marketing Podcast with Kevin Rogers and John Carlton the past couple of days more than I did watching Game of Thrones.
Troy Steine posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago · updated 6 years, 10 months ago
Good Afternoon, As a recent member to the group, and also having acquired a wide range of John Carlton’s trainings and programs, including live events, I wanted to ask a question please as to copywriting: Is there a way to arrange for a review / critique of the sales letter that I’ve put together for my services? Thanks very much for your time…Read more
This would be a request for a review / critique by John himself if that’s possible? and how that could be arranged / paid for? Thanks, Troy
Hi Troy: Welcome to the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club!
You can get John and Stan to review your copy by applying for a hot seat. There is a link in the right column (under hot seats and consulting). It is a free service for MRIC members.
Thank you Virginia for taking the time to respond. Best Regards, Troy
If you want a private critique, John offers a couple of packages. There is a link for that in the right column, as well. This is the page: https://carltoncoaching.com/be-johns-best-friend/
Nina Hall posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago
Good Afternoon,
I have revised my ad and would like feedback. The second page will be a separate link so the ad would actually end on first page with “contact us”. I wanted you to be able to see what would be inside the link and how I planned to end the ad. Thank you
Recent Member Lessons
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If you just can’t seem to write at a 5th grade level…
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The Simple Writing System
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Hi Dina: Welcome to the Simple Writing System and the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club!
It is a great course and I know you will get a lot out of it.
Thanks, Virginia!
I didn’t know I had a message in my profile.