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LuisG92 posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
I am reposting my question so everybody can see it.
Thanks for the reply Virginia.
As I begin my freelance career, I am seeing many people not demanding sales letter from me, but how to write a killer website.
Some of the feedback I have gotten from potential…Read more
Alicia Kamm posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hey all… Alicia here. Content marketer with the goal of becoming Rhode Island’s best direct response copywriter. A lofty goal, but one nonetheless. Currently 3 mos and 2 clients into my business. Just joined SWS and wanted to introduce myself here. Looking forward to meeting you all and learning from you and the pros.
Mike posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hi Guys! I just read the kick-ass copywriter book and I am working on creating some amazing FB ads. I am a real estate agent in Phoenix, Arizona and online ads is where we are focusing our attention for lead generation. One of my biggest issues right now is getting people to leave valid contact information once they “opt-in”. An ideal situation…Read more
Hi Mike: Welcome to the Club! I suggest that you look up Ryan Fletcher. He has a podcast targeted toward Real Estate Agents and presents a very good authority model, which is kind of a long-term strategy but will position you as the person people will want to hire. You can search for Agent Marketing Syndicate.
I also suggest that you check…Read more
Jose Reyna posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hello everyone,
I am a big fan of John’s, like we all are, and his work. I am hanging my shingle as a freelance copywriter. I joined the MRIC to get unbiased feedback on my writing and learn more about what works in the world of direct response copywriting and marketing.
I have over 12 years of experience in the fitness industry however, I’m…Read more
Hi Jose: Welcome to the Club. It is good to start with a specialty, because people feel more comfortable hiring an expert in their industry. It seems that since you have quite a bit of experience in the fitness industry that that would be a good place to start. You already have a good idea about how your market thinks, talks, and what is…Read more
Abi posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hello Guys,
My name is Abi and I just joined this amazing club today. I joined this club only because of Marketing legend and my hero John Carlton.My biggest challenge is – I want to quit my job in the next one year or before that and want to build my own freelance business.
In my job, I have been writing emails to B2B clients in Finance…Read more
Hi Abi: John and Stan have an email course. If that is the one that you are talking about, then it would be a great place to start.
As far as copywriting for your own business goes, I would go through the 3 steps of the Simple Writing System Express Course. It will help you narrow your target market and develop your USP. It is free and you…Read more
Thanks so much Virginia!!
Recent Member Lessons
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If you just can’t seem to write at a 5th grade level…
Some people just naturally write using plain English and simple words. For others, it is not so easy (should I say "simple"?). They just naturally use 50 cent words when they speak, and write using the same, sometimes convoluted, words and phrases. To the rescue come...
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